Little Green Steps
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Reducing the packaging in your lunch reduces the amount of garbage you create. Watch the video below to see how you can PACK SMART!


factA disposable lunch can create up to 100 lbs of garbage a year! 
Try these easy steps to waste less:

Instead of...

Try this!

Sandwich in a plastic baggie

Sandwich in reusable container

Single-serving package of chips or pretzels

Buy bulk and put a serving in a reusable container

Juice box

Fill your water bottle or thermos

Fruit cup or fruit snacks

Apple, banana or orange

Pre-packaged cookies

Cookies in a small reusable container

Paper towel or napkin

Cloth napkin

Brown paper bag

Lunch box or cloth bag

Plastic utensils

Metal forks and spoons with your name labeled on them


Other fun PBS sites about reducing waste:

The Greens

“Go Green” with Fetch with Ruff Ruffman

Dragonfly TV

pack smart icon, download the game

Make your own Little Green Steps video! MyStories PBS Kids GO!

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